We consume vitamin k1 subtype (phylloquinone) mainly from leafy green vegetables. K2 is then produced through fermention by the gut's symbiotic bateria, therefore responsable for transforming k1 into k2.
Vitamin K2 subtype (menaquinones) MK-4, a relatively short-chain menaquinone, is found in foods of animal origin, such as butter and egg yolks and is theonly not produced by gut bacteria.
Longer-chain menaquinones (MK-5 to MK-15) are found in variable amounts in fermented foods, such as Natto and hard cheese. MK-7 is the predominant form of vitamin K2 in the Japanese fermented soy food natto.
. - Vitamin K2 stimulates MGP and osteocalin: calcium-binding proteins that participate in the organisation of bone tissue.
Osteocalin maintains the calcium in the bone and not other tissues, and MGP promotes decalcification in tissues where calcium should not be deposited and send it to the bone tissue that requires the calcification. .
- Several observational studies have suggested that vitamin K2 is better than K1 at reducing these calcium deposits and lowering your risk of heart disease. .
- A review of controlled studies concluded that vitamin K2 supplementation as MK-4 significantly reduced the risk of bone fractures. .
- A small study by Naturopathic Doctor Kate Rhéaume-Bleue (Eur J Pharmacol 2015) shows that MK-7 in doses of 100 µg daily for 3 months can improve disease activity score in RA patients. .
- Warfarin inhibits both vitamin K1 and k2, and therefore interferes with blood coagulation. A balanced intake of vitamin D3 and K2 at ratio 1000:30 can be safe in some circumstances. Talk to your Naturopath first and monitor INR.
Adequate vitamin K intake can be achieved by consuming, ec: 1 cup of baby spinach, 1/2 cup of broccoli or Brussels sprouts. Furthermore, consuming these with a source of fat like organic free-range egg yolks or olive oil will help your body absorb the vitamin K better, so why not make an omelet!